Home / Press Room / Samsung Performing Arts Theater: Safety Protocols for the New Normal
July 20, 2020

Samsung Performing Arts Theater: Safety Protocols for the New Normal

We’re supporting our audience, employees, and partners through this difficult period. Here are some guidelines we’ve set to ensure the highest standard of safety and precaution.

Not too long ago, many theatrical spaces were humming with energy from full house performances. Now, with the pandemic at its peak, the once fully packed spaces must adapt to health and safety protocols.

Preparing and protecting properties from the threat of COVID-19 became the top priority for all establishments. The same goes for the Samsung Performing Arts Theater – we take every precaution to keep every staff, performer, and guest who enter our facility safe.

What We Are Doing To Keep You Safe

Before opening, we created an internal crisis response team, who have been working since the beginning of July to create timely health and safety guidelines for you. These guidelines follow and are consistent with the mandates of the government, health, and COVID-19 task force agencies.

We also prepared for every scenario. We divided our health and safety protocols into two phases: Phase 2, which will be implemented during General Community Quarantine or Modified General Community Quarantine and Phase 3, which will be implemented once a vaccine becomes available.

We’re currently operating under Phase 2. During this phase, stricter protocols apply including the provision of PPE to staff and mandatory temperature check of guests. Once a vaccine becomes available (or when the government allows mass gatherings in full capacity in enclosed spaces), we will proceed to Phase 3 and ease up certain protocols including the provision of PPEs.

However, whatever phase we may be in, we encourage everyone to adhere to these organizational safety and health protocols to ensure a safe and secure watching experience inside the theater.

COVID-19 Preventive Measures at the Samsung Performing Arts Theater

Health and Safety Protocols You Must Follow Before Entry 

●  Go Cashless.

Exchanging cash is one of the ways the virus can be transmitted. To avoid this, guests are encouraged to pay for their transactions, like that of ticket purchase and parking fees, using their credit cards or any other form of cashless transaction. In cases where cash payment is unavoidable, patrons may prepare exact change to prevent unnecessary cash exchange. This goes the same for any Gift Shop and Concessions purchases (if any and available) while inside the theater.

●      Disinfect and Sanitize.

We encourage guests to regularly sanitize their hands to avoid virus transmission. Likewise, we’ll also do our part by cleaning and disinfecting the theater prior to your arrival. Lobbies, restrooms, and other common areas are deep-cleaned with disinfectant products that are effective against viruses.

●  Arrive ahead of the performance schedule.

We encourage early arrival of guests. This allows us to guide you inside the theater while still maintaining the required social distancing space among guests. To support this, please go immediately to your assigned seats as you arrive. We highly discourage congregating at the lobby before the performance.

●  Wear face masks and face shields.

For your safety and in accordance with Executive Order No. 112 of the Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines, all employees, workers, visitors, and guests without face masks and face shields shall not be allowed to enter the property. Face masks and face shields should be worn at all times in the common areas.

●  Get your temperature checked.

All guests and visitors entering the facility through pedestrian access and carpark entrance are required to have their temperatures checked. Anyone with a body temperature above 37.5 °C or 99.5 °F will not be allowed to enter and are encouraged to seek immediate medical attention.

●      Accomplish the Health Declaration Form (HDF).

For easy tracking in case of emergencies, all guests and employees are required to accomplish a Health Declaration Form before entry. By signing the form you’ll be attesting to being COVID-19 symptom free. This means that you have no indications of these symptoms: fever (a temperature of 38°C/100.4 °F or higher), cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell.

What You Can Do While Inside the Facility:

Inside the building, follow these guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience!

●      Practice social distancing inside the theater.

Signages are placed inside the facility to remind patrons to practice social distancing. Markings are also placed on the floor leading to the ticket office, concessions, and restrooms to promote social distancing. While we are still in Phase 2, some seats will marked off to maintain the required number of seats between parties. Additionally, in restrooms, every other sink and urinal are blocked off. Attendants are also monitoring the bathroom usage to ensure they do not become too crowded. We encourage pre-ordering all your concessions and avoid gathering in large groups around the concession area.

●      Avoid gathering in the lobby before a performance, during intermission, and immediately after the performance.

We highly discourage patrons to gather in the lobby before a performance, during intermissions, and immediately after a show in order to avoid unnecessary contact with other guests. Sending one person to obtain concessions will also be ideal.

●      Sanitize regularly.

We are providing hand sanitizers across the building – a sanitation station map is available to locate the nearest station to you. We encourage guests to sanitize their hands regularly for safety purposes. We are also doing our part in keeping you safe by increasing our cleaning staff during performance. They are assigned to smaller zones of focus to ensure frequent cleaning of high touch services such as countertops, tables and chairs, elevator buttons, handrails, and door handles.

●      Do not congregate in the lobby after a performance.

At the end of the performance, a house staff will dismiss the guests from the back of the theater to the front. For your safety, it is best to follow their instructions and to not linger in the lobby after a performance.

Additional General Guidelines:

General COVID-19 Preventive Measures

●      Stay home if youre feeling ill.

If you are experiencing any symptoms related to  COVID-19, it is best to avoid gatherings and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

●      Wear a face mask or a face shield.

Wearing a mask will not only help you protect yourself, but it will also keep you from infecting other people.

●      Dont touch your face.

Touching your face is one of the ways the virus gets inside your eyes, nose, and mouth. Avoid touching your face to decrease the chances of becoming infected.

      Wash your hands.

Your hands are the primary transmitter of viruses.  Frequent hand washing or sanitizing keeps you from getting infected and helps limit the spread.

●      Keep your distance.

Always practice social distancing (2-meter distance or 6 feet distance). It is the best defense against person to person spread.

While we are taking every precaution to keep you safe, the Samsung Performing Arts Theater simply cannot guarantee that all pathogens will be eliminated. It should be emphasized that any efforts to minimize the risk of exposure and spread of COVID-19 is a joint effort between the venues, its staff, visiting companies and guests. Finally, please note that any guide should be fluid and flexible given the uncertain and evolving nature of the current circumstance we are in.

Even under the “new normal” conditions, we still want you to experience the extraordinary during your visit in the Samsung Performing Arts Theater. Let’s all work together in following these health and safety protocols while we enjoy, once again, the humming energy full-house performances emanate.

For more updates about Samsung Performing Arts Theater, like and follow @CPATOfficial on Facebook and Instagram.




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